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Writer's pictureKelli Cruciotti

Rider Spotlight: Kelli Cruciotti

By: Equestrian Sport Productions

Dec. 20, 2019

Can you believe we have only three weeks left until the 2020 Winter Equestrian Festival begins? This week we are featuring rising star, Kelli Cruciotti, who has been riding since the age of five. This decorated equestrian has had tremendous success all over the world and is the youngest rider EVER to win the prestigious Sapphire Grand Prix of Devon! Continue reading to learn about her favorite part of WEF and more from this talented athlete!

Do you remember the first horse you rode?

I remember him very well! The first horse I rode was a black and white paint pony named Oreo, of course. I rode him the first time that I jumped and when I got left behind in the saddle he just stopped. He was so perfect.

What is your favorite memory riding as a junior?

Probably as a junior at the Devon Horse Show Grand Prix. It was my first time competing in a grand prix and I didn’t know what to expect. I was riding my favorite mare, Chamonix H, and we ended up winning, which was totally out of the blue and very special!

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment in life so far?

I would say the relationship that I’ve been able to have with my parents and my family. You rarely find a family that works so well together. I’m very blessed that we’re a Christian-based family working in this business together, sharing the ups and downs and everything that goes along with it.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

To eat whatever I want and still stay thin!

What’s something that people don’t know about you?

I make really strange farm animal noises. I can do a chicken, a goat, a turkey… It’s probably not something I should be telling people, but they’re pretty good I think!

What’s the last gift you gave?

I think the last gift I gave was to my mom on Mother’s Day. We always do flowers, chocolates, and bears. All that stuff!

If you could ride any horse that you don’t already, who would it be and why?

Luciana Diniz’s horse, Fit For Fun. She’s small, a mare, quick, and is a fighter, which is everything that I love in a horse. I would definitely love to ride her!

What is your favorite thing about WEF?

I love how it pushes you to be better and to always be on your A-game. Since there are so many great riders in the classes at WEF, you can’t just be average because it’s not going to cut it.

Sometimes, it can be a bit frustrating, because you feel like you give it your all, and then you place twelfth. It really raises the bar for riding.

Best of luck this season, Kelli! We’ll see you soon at WEF 2020! 

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